Transform and plot data in R using plotly

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How to import data, use the check.names function, replace variable names, transform data between wide and long formats, and plot the data in R using plotly

Base R check.names function

check.names=TRUE/FALSE is a logical argument in base R, in the data.frames() function. It can also be used as an argument in the read.csv() function, see example below.


myData <- read.csv("r_transformData.csv", check.names=TRUE, header=TRUE, 

If check.names is set to TRUE, then the names of the variables (column headers) in the data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically valid, and are not duplicated. If they appear to not be valid or are duplicated, R will rename them.

The default value is TRUE — even if check.names is not explicitly included as an argument in the read.csv() function, R will check the names by default.

To prevent R from renaming the variables, set check.names=FALSE.

Import data using read.csv

Screenshot of date (year) data in an Excel worksheet
Figure above: data table in the csv, column headers are 3-year ranges e.g. ‘2008-10’
  • If we import the data table from the above csv file worksheet using the ‘read.csv‘ function, set check.names to TRUE and set header to TRUE, the year-range column headings are imported but altered in the process: ‘2008-10’ becomes ‘X2008.10’ (see code and output below).
  • Read more about check.names above.
  • The data is imported as a dataframe by default. In R, a dataframe can take a mixture of data types (numeric, string, logical, factor), whereas a matrix can only take data of one type.
  • stringsAsFactors=FALSE prevents R from converting continuous numeric values into categorical values.

myData <- read.csv("r_transformData.csv", check.names=TRUE, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
Screenshot showing output of data in R Studio console
Figure above: output of the data in the RStudio console when we set ‘header=TRUE’. The date values are converted to a non-date structure.

If we set ‘header=FALSE‘ in the read.csv() function, and a new set of column headers is added by R, we need to find a workaround to get our original column headers back.


myData <- read.csv("r_transformData.csv", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Figure above: with header set to ‘FALSE’, default column headers (V1 to V10) have been added by R in the import process. Our original headers are now the first row of the dataframe.

Replace the column headers in a dataframe in R

Now we’re going to replace the default column headers (V1, V2 etc.) with our original values (2008-10, 2009-11, etc.) from the imported table, using the steps below (included in the code below):

  1. Create a vector of values from the first row of the dataframe, using ‘unname()‘ to return a single row vector.
  2. Replace the dataframe column header values with the new vector using the colnames() function.
  3. The first row and column header row now contain duplicate values.
  4. We can either delete the first row which is now redundant, or filter it out when transforming our data from wide to long myData[-1,] using the ‘gather()‘ function from the tidyr package.

Transform the data from wide to long

Tidyr gather() example

myData_long <- gather(myData[-1,],Year,Value,’2008-10′:’2017-19′)

myData_longthe name of our new dataframe
gather()the function in tidyr to convert wide data into long
myData[,1]our wide dataframe is named ‘myData
[-1,] represents [row selection, column selection]
-1 selects all rows except the first
a blank space after the comma denotes ‘all columns’
Year , Valuedenote the names (headers) of our new columns
‘2008-10′:’2017-19’ the range of columns in our wide dataframe to
collapse into the two columns in the long df

Plot the data using plotly

Plotly example code explained

a <- list(tickangle=-90,
b <- list(rangemode = “tozero”)

plot <- plot_ly(myData_long, x = ~Year, y = ~Value, type = ‘scatter’, mode = ‘lines’) %>%

a and bcustom list variables with formatting for the
x and y axes (referred to in the layout() function)
plot_ly()the plot function
x=~variablethe variable to set as the x axis values
y=~variablethe variable to set as the y axis values
type=’scatter’the type of plot, other values e.g. bar or box;
use ‘scatter for a line plot in combination with
mode = ‘lines’ defines a line plot rather than e.g. a bar plot
layout()assign the list variables a and b
to the x and y axes

Common cause of no line appearing on a plotly line plot

If you have a ‘flat’ table of data and have aggregated the data e.g. using dplyr’s gather() function, you may find when you try to plot the aggregated data that no line appears. Try ungrouping the data again before applying the plot_ly() function – the data will still be aggregated and the line should appear.

groupedData %>%
ungroup() %>%
plot_ly(x = ~Year, y = ~Count) %>% … other plotly functions …

Full code for above steps, with comments


myData <- read.csv("r_transformData.csv",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 


# create a vector of values from the first row of the dataframe
# using 'unname' results in a single row vector, otherwise a single row dataframe
# with column headers is created
# myData[1,] selects the first row and all columns from myData
  myHeaders <- unname(myData[1,])

# check the column header values

# replace the dataframe default column headers with our vector
  colnames(myData) <- myHeaders

# check the new values are in place

# here we can either delete the first row which is now redundant
# or filter it out when transforming our data from wide to long myData[-1,]
# transform the data using 'gather' from the tidyr package 
  myData_long <- gather(myData[-1,],Year,Value,'2008-10':'2017-19')
  myData_long$Value <- as.numeric(myData_long$Value)
  myData_long$Year <- as.factor(myData_long$Year)
# check the new structure

# set parameters for the plotly function
  # values for the x-axis
  a <- list(tickangle=-90, title="")
  # values for the y-axis
  b <- list(rangemode = "tozero")

# create the plot using plot_ly() 
  plot <- plot_ly(myData_long,
  	x = ~Year,
  	y = ~Value, 
  	type = 'scatter', 
  	mode = 'lines') %>% 
# output the plot